Transition Day

On Friday the 26th of October, the Year 7 girls were presented with an amazing opportunity to mentor the Year 6 students for the transition program. In each and every Year 6 student, we saw ourselves and where we had been, just a year ago. At first, everyone was hesitant to talk, however as time passed, we found ourselves chatting amongst each other. However, it was not all fun and games. It was our duty to present the Year 6s with crucial information about high school: how to prepare, what it was like, making new friends and so much more. The questions were endless. At the end of the session, the Dallas campus girls were feeling much better about making the transition and were excited to do so. Later, we ate delicious snacks and once again talked about the ups and downs of high school. Altogether, it was a wonderful experience that we hope was equally enjoyable and informative for the Dallas campus girls.

Zahra Alazam